Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Celebration Dinner

We'd like to get everyone together for a celebratory dinner. Not only will it give everyone a chance to unwind & celebrate our efforts, it'll give people a chance to put faces together with names & email addresses and let us all get to know the people we ride with everyday a little bit better.

Date: Tuesday, March 11th
Time: 7:00 pm
Jade Billows Chinese Restaurant in the Cabin John Shopping Center

RSVP: email to let us know you are coming so we can tell the restaurant how big a table to put aside for us.

Spouses/significant others/well-behaved kids welcome, too. :-)

Hope to see you there.

We DID it!!

I'm a little slow in posting this, but in case you haven't heard:

WE DID IT!! The 37 has been saved!

Here's the official notice:

As you know, Montgomery County is facing a serious budget shortfall of $400 million in fiscal year 2009, which begins July 1, 2008. Rather than wait until July to address this looming deficit, the County Executive directed every Department in the County to propose savings in order to meet the goal of reducing our current year budget by two percent.

Transit’s contribution to the savings plan included reductions in service to some of these Ride On routes with the lowest number of riders. But, before any changes were to be made to our critical transit service, we wanted to hear from our customers by giving them the opportunity to write or call us, or attend and/or provide input at a public forum on February 11. After carefully reviewing written comments and testimony from 250 customers and residents, we want you to know that your concerns have been heard.

Ride On is making the following changes:

Weekday Service

Route 7 Weekday Service: Retain the route as is due to the limited availability of alternatives. Trip times will be reviewed, as suggested by customers, in an effort to improve this route’s performance.

Route 34/42 Weekday Service: The merger of service on these two routes will begin May 4. The new combined route will be called Route 34.

Route 37 Weekday Service: Reduce the frequency of service to every 30 minutes, effective May 5. Ride On expects that 90 percent of riders will be retained with this change, resulting in a 20 percent improvement in performance (as measured by riders per hour).

Route 75: Retain the route as is.

Route 124: As originally proposed in the savings plan, Ride On will eliminate service on Route 124 after Friday, March 14th.

Route 127: Transfer operation of this bus route to the administration of Montgomery College, starting in fiscal year 2009. The last day of Ride On operated service will be May 16. The College can operate the service more cost effectively by only running it on school days. The County will include funding in the College’s fiscal year 2009 budget for the costs of operating their version of the Route 127 service.

Saturday Service

Routes 30 Saturday Service: Weekday service will continue, but Saturday service will be eliminated after Saturday April 5th.

Routes 36 Saturday Service Weekday service will continue, but Saturday service will be eliminated after Saturday April 5th.

Route 90 Saturday Service: Retain Saturday service, but reduce the span of service by two hours each day, effective Saturday, April 12. Ride On expects that 90 percent of riders will be retained, resulting in a 13 percent improvement in performance.


Route 98 Sunday Service: Weekday service will continue, but Sunday service will be eliminated after Sunday, March 30.

This revised plan will still save $200,980 in fiscal year 2008, or about 58 percent of what was originally proposed, and $925,860 in fiscal year 2009, or about 57 percent of the original proposal.

Cutting existing service is not an easy decision – it is painful and difficult, particularly transit service. We have encouraged residents to use alternative transportation to relieve traffic congestion and improve air quality, and residents have responded. Ride On ridership has increased every month for 45 months. But, no service in County government should be immune from examination for potential increases in efficiency or cost reductions. Several times a year, Ride On routinely looks at its operations to identify and deal with the poorest performing bus routes and duplicative service and we will continue to do that.

Ride On wants to thank all of you who took the time to provide input during this difficult time.

Carolyn A. Jones, Manager

Customer and Community Relations Unit

101 Monroe Street, 5th Floor

Rockville, Maryland 20850


e-mail address: transit.dpwt@montgomerycountymd.gov